Saturday, December 29, 2007

More Christmas images of the family

Yes Christmas is food... Friday marked the end of Christmas eating for me - gee I love indulging.

M & N - the waters love birds!

Mum & Hj - we are all waiting for my husband in Mum & Dad's huge lounge room so we can start unwrapping pressies

Here is the first of the pressies - my son is now a SERIOUS rocker

Kd giving Brewie his Christmas gift - isn't that drawing magic?

Ok so this isnt Christmas at all - but rather Hj at one of her favourite pass times pulling out shoes from our shoe cubboard. And below you will see my Christmas shoes - 1950s slippers!

By the end of the day we were ready to pass out and passing very snippy comments to each other. Here is the wonderful Dad playing with Kd and his new transformers. What a great Daddy.


  1. Love the old school slippers. Where did you get them from? And that cute little girl, where did you get her from?

  2. sammy your funny - are you an old blogger from way back?

  3. nope i have never blogged before, never thought that i had anything to say!
    just got back from a weekend at lorne. did the mountain to surf fun run, that day before the pier to pub. did pretty well, so happy about that
