Thursday, August 28, 2008


This is the first costume I have made for my children - and I am pretty pleased with myself.

Using Soulmamma's instructions; place of clothing on a piece of fabric and cut around to make new clothing method from her Creative Family Book (thanks Sam and Helen - fantastic birthday pressie) I managed to sew it up in around half an hour!

Does this make me super mum now?


  1. oh my gosh - he looks pretty scary! i'm sure he's loving it!
    so what's the next costume, now you're a super mum?

  2. that is pretty cool tam. can he see out of that? hope he doesn't kick goodies as well as baddies in that thing! or else he will be in the sticky dungeon

    check out ask a ninja - very funny -

  3. Like to look at that book one day- what clever choosing- haven't tried out the sewing machine since- but an instant hit well done!
