Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Easter has ended abruptly for us with a good smattering of gastro... all of us except Hj
Always special to have lots of family days all together in a row - we filled them with house frantic cleaning, gardening dreaming, friends to stay and family get togethers.

Here are some pics of our family Easter egg hunt in Mum and Dad's lovely garden.

Above is my Easter sewing - not sure if I will use this pattern again - it isn't really an egg or a chicken (doesn't have any wings!)

Although it could be classed as terrible videoing - I do like the sounds - really captures the hunt!


  1. Oh the fun of easter egg hunts!! Wonder if we'll be there for next year's one?

  2. Liked the sounds too- a great idea.
    Can't believe it was a week or so ago and here we are where the sun inthe south is hotter!
