Monday, May 24, 2010

Chocolate Cake Making = Learning to love to Read

I have been thinking of a variety of ways to inspire the love of reading and writing in my son's life including writing letters, rewards for positive attitude when doing his homework, reading Rohald Dahl together (I have got so into his writing I am currently reading his adult short stories - which I love - he is much a naughty and tricky writer) and recently I have invited him each week to pick a recipe he would like to cook - which involves reading recipe books, reading the ingredients of the selected recipe, writing the required ingredients on the shopping list and then when the time comes reading the recipe to cook the selected item. This time it was chocolate cake.

I would have to say this is one of the nicest chocolate cakes I have ever had - although not the quickest of recipes - but if you used this recipe a lot it would be come easier as you would be in a "routine" of cooking it.

Interestingly my family group email has been sharing chocolate cake recipes including Mum's which was usually demolished as soon as we walked in the door after school.

This Chocoate Cake Recipe is from Donna Hay

120g Dark Chocolate chopped
120g butter
1/2 cup caster sugar
3 eggs seperated
3/4 cup plain flour
2 tablespoons coco
1 teaspoon baking powder

Melt chocolate
Preheat oven to 170
Cream butter and sugar and add yolks one at a time and beat well
Add in melted chocoate, shift tog dry ingredients and then add to wet mixture
finally whisk the egg whites and graduately fold into the mixture

cook for around 40 mins or until ready


My next plan is to introduce journal writing or perhaps writing our own books - but taking it easy and not being too pushy just yet.

Here is a link to a Mum who confesses to making loads of books with her kids and here too


  1. Great way to motivate reading- also you can do his own recipe book with a picture/photo and comments. Telling a short happening and you write it down as he dictates, then read it together is a good one too- he is reading his own language and can anticipate, risk take with confidence...

  2. Love this idea, what fun! I should get Simon to send KD his favourite recipe :)
