Tuesday, April 24, 2012

New Buddy

Kd had the class Guinea pigs at home over the weekend!

It was quite a learning curve for him to take care of these little creatures as they love pooping an eating.  Every child should have the opportunity to clean out the yard of a cow shed! Now that is cleaning up poo.

A fitting poem by my Mum, Lorraine Marwood

Guinea pig town

It was our brother's idea
to build a town,
a small town
for many guinea pigs
which kept multiplying-
cream, ginger and black
wisps of colour and rabbity- mousey
features, all ours.

We found old sheds
to refashion,
we found old bits of paint
in tins
old scraps of wood
that's when dad's saying
it might come in handy
really came true.

Concrete floor
concrete half walls, a roof
and we were in business.
Let's have a park, said
my little sister
and houses for each family,
I added.  And a shop and...

Stop! warned our brother,
we have lots of work to do,
already.  No more houses yet.

So after asking Dad
(Can we use the old pigsties?)
(Can we have nails, paint?)
We began, sawing, hammering
following our big brother's direction,
humming, singing as we ran backwards
forwards from Guinea pig town
to dad's machinery shed.

Ready yet?asks our really big sister,
who knows more about painting toenails than
painting guinea pig houses,
but she offers, we accept, want her
to be part of the game too.

So our really big sister paints circles,
triangles, lines of lime, purple, brown
across the roofs of each building.

Hope guinea pigs are colour blind,
 mutters our big brother.

The colours will keep them warm even when its
freezing outside, I say bundling
lots of straw into the first house.

Fill the water bowls up too, orders
our big brother.
We'll soon be bringing the residents
into their new houses.

Our little sister and I squeal like pigs, not
guinea pigs but real excited yips and yaps.

We all go to the guinea pig cage.
And take one, two to each new building
in guinea pig town.
They sniff, nibble, run
around guinea pig town.

They like it, says our big brother
'Cause they do, probably like the bright
colours says our really big sister,
or the playground, I say
or the fresh straw says our little sister.

Dad comes to see,
well done, he says I've never
seen a guinea pig town before.
Let's hope it doesn't get overcrowded
and we know what he means.
Guinea pigs are always having babies.
cream, ginger and black
wisps of colour and rabbity- mousey
features, all ours.

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