Monday, August 11, 2008

Salt dough creations

My camera is temporarily out of action with flat batteries and so I am calling on past activities to blog about (this was last Friday) - although lots happened today with a treasure hunt in the bush, lots of mud play, new tress planted out the front of our house by the council with large diggers, biscuit making, a trip to the library, jig saw making and also Hj having her needles (which she was meant to have at 18 months not 2!!! - silly mother!)

Here we are making salt dough creatures

Salt dough is a little different to play dough as the recipe doesn't have oil - so the dough will dry slowly by itself or you can pop it in the oven to cook. We didn't have any directed making outcomes - just free play. Hj making a birthday cake & Kd making a plate. That is a neat match don't you think!

Here is the best bit when the kids start singing for the joy of making!

1 comment:

  1. tam that is great, how lucky we are now to be able to take photos and videos as often as we can. how good would that have been when we were kids? would be interesting to see how this impacts on their memory? i.e. if they get to watch these videos and photos as they grow up, will that mean they have stronger memories as kids? love the updates tam, get some sleep and keep them coming
