Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I come from a very large inspiring and amazing family and to celebrate this I am starting a new kind of regular theme post and for the first one it is from my brother number 2.

What an honour, I have been asked to put in a blog for my lovely big sisters blog site. Tam asked me about why I get up every morning to read the bible and to write about it. I have put this off for 3 months, because in a way it is a pretty confronting thing; talking about something very personal, and not many people know I do it. But it was a good process for me.

I don't want to go in to the specifics of the bible and why I believe in Jesus, because typically people in Australia just get all claustrophobic when God is mentioned, so I will approach it from a process point of view.

I try to get up every morning and read the bible and pray. I say try, because sometimes it's not easy, and other times it doesn't happen.

Why do I do this?
I think the best answer to this is that I am selfish. My life is about making sure that I am happy and that I feel good inside, knowing that I am on the right track in life. And this is from a selfish motive. It just so happens that for me to have this feeling I need to be chatting to and reading about Jesus. I have tried life without this and it's not fun.

How does this time put aside in the morning return to you during the day?
The main thing about this daily ritual is to move my focus from myself and what things I need to do, on to someone who actually knows what is going on and can do something about it. Not to say that I just sit there and things happen, but to step aside from wanting to control everything and realise there is more to life than work.

How is bible study directed?
I follow a plan from the old church I went to, there are heaps of these, they just suggest different passages each day. Then after that I pray in my prayer book. I find writing things down puts more focus on things, otherwise my mind goes off and I don't feel much meaningful has been said

Is there any relationship between your exercise and bible study?
I think there are heaps. Again, doing exercise (weights and runs) is a selfish thing. I want to feel fit and healthy. Reading the bible is a selfish thing, I want to feel satisfied and happy in my life. Both of these I have to work at. I have to plan for them both and sometimes they both hurt - but there are real benefits; otherwise I wouldn't do them

A gym is useless to you unless you go there and use it. The bible is useless to you unless you open it and chat to people about it's meaning

Anything else you would like to share about your inspiring dedication?
Well first off it's nice that Tam thinks this is inspiring. But I think the only other main point is that in a purely reductionistic and boring point of view, just praying and discussing things with God could be seen as a great way to work through issues. That just writing and purposely thinking about my life, reflecting, means that I will make better decisions. And in a way that is probably right. But there is more to it and I would encourage others to think about understanding this faith, which has changed the course of the planet.

Thanks darling brother for sharing this with us xxT


  1. thanks for sharing sam - of course it's inspiring! Reading something that has come from the heart of someone is always special and inspiring.
    that takes a lot of commitment, self-motivation, and persistence - i'm pretty bad at at all three!

  2. thanks shell. as you don't have all three!

  3. Hey Sam, thanks for sharing! Just a question: You said that you pray for selfish motives, but if Christianity is true, wouldn't some of your motive come from the Spirit of God? If so, could it still be called purely selfish?

  4. Wow! Thanks for opening up and sharing with us all Sammy Sam.
    You are an inspiration and a great committment to God!

