Sunday, January 10, 2010

Reflecting on 2009

Inspired by Balancing Everything who posted her family's refections I considered hightlights of 2009

February finding a lovely local water hole

February my eldest started school

In March my second nephew was born

In April I suddenly found animals, bulls in particular arriving in my stitching and drawing.

In May I was 34 and ate these yummy eclairs my Mum cooked especially.

July is the time for my children's birthday's : 6 and 3

September a trip to the local theater to watch the fairies!

My second brother's wedding.

August and September were our last months at our old home - we really loved the bush out back

The first day in our new home my darlin children painted this on the back of the shed!


  1. Nice wrap up - what about big things for you and jase? Also whose your first nephew?

  2. Gee - what I wouldn't give to have one or two - nah 10 of those eclairs right now! They were pretty good!

  3. Great overview Tam. So many things that happen, and don't seem to be that exciting until you look back and see it all combined
