Saturday, August 8, 2009

Tree Planting back in the Day

My darling brother sent me through these images of tree planting back in the early '90s when we were still on the farm at Dingee. Must be a forest there now.

Mum started it all of course and had a green house/hot house of little seedlings from seeds she collected herself. It was normal for us to travel with recycled paper bags and collect seeds from trees Mum admired on our family outings. Little brown packets of shakers drying in the car and the dresser in the kitchen.

I remember one time she made a commitment to going for a walk each day and took at least one tree with her to plant.

Thomas Fuller (1654 - 1734) said "He (or she!)who plants a tree loves other beside himself."

I am planning to get involved in this tree growing project once we are in our new home.

1 comment:

  1. Tam
    This is brilliant - I would give anything to plant trees again especially on the family farm. I will email you pics of the trees which have grown - not as much as I would have hoped though

    Great you are doing planting with the community group - my job is to make sure these sites are maintained in the future and there is a goal to why they have been planted - ask your group if they have answers to both these questions
